Senior Clerk Exam Date 2021 Announced

By | 05/06/2021

Senior Clerk Exam Date 2021 Announced

 Subject: Matter of organizing competitive examination on 9/09/2071 Matter of allotting class room for seating arrangement of examination.  In the advertisement or the name of the advertisement Examination Time Advertisement Departments under the Departments of the Secretariat 12:00 to 16.00 Sl.  Written Competitive Examination Part-1 of

 the candidates has been organized on 6/09/2021 (Saturday) from 12:00 to 12:00 in connection with a total of 21 posts of ‘Senior Clerk Class 3’ cadre under the Heads of Departments under the Departments of the Secretariat.  .  Ta.  In relation to 7/09/2081 (Saturday) daily on 9.17/2017.  Drama.K.  As the written competitive examination of all the candidates in the district is to be held in Part-I, there is a need for a large number of schools / colleges.  Is the name of the grantee / borrower of the in-charge system in use?  Non Granted Candidate Room Number and Phone Number Yes or No.  Number cum CCTV

   The above classroom will be required from 1 hour till the completion of the examination.  So it is a humble request to adapt accordingly.  For the above competitive examination, it is requested from your organization to appoint staff of 6 candidates per class in the following details.  The following are the remuneration rates for the recruiting officers / employees for conducting the aforesaid competitive examination organized by Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board Gandhinagar as per General Resolution Administration Department No. 06/2018 No. / CAPA / 114130 / C (Part File).  

The appointed staff is requested to hold a meeting regarding the examination procedure and schedule to be performed by them and if any relative of the appointed staff is to appear for the examination in this center, they are requested not to assign duty and to get the declaration from the person assigned.  The meeting of the Central Director will be called in advance by the Board, which is requested to be informed.  It is requested that you fill in the details in the consent form attached herewith and return it to the congregation with the signature coin at the place indicated on day-3.


   Regarding the above mentioned subject in the matter of written competitive examination organized on 9/09/2071 (Saturday) to fill the vacancies of “Senior Arts Class 3 cadre” by direct recruitment under the department head of the department under the department of Secretariat.  To state that Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar, to fill the vacancies of “Senior Clerk Class-3 cadre” under the departments of the Secretariat by direct recruitment. 

 Total Go of Written Competitive Examination on 9/08/2071 to be filled by direct recruitment Published in respect of Advertisement No. 16/20170 Held on 9/4/207 (Saturday) from 12:00 noon to 12:00 noon  It is therefore agreed to provide the following details of the school / college here as an examination center for the written examination.  Of school college

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